Why Nobody Told You This Before: Dr. Julie Smith's Guide to Unconventional Well-Being

Ever wondered why traditional motivation often falls short in the long run? Dr. Julie Smith tackles this question and more in her unique approach...

Why Nobody Told You This Before: Dr. Julie Smith's Guide to Unconventional Well-Being

Ever wondered why traditional motivation often falls short in the long run? Dr. Julie Smith tackles this question and more in her unique approach to well-being. In this article, we delve into some of her profound insights that challenge common beliefs about motivation, self-love, and where to seek comfort for our minds.

Stop Depending On Your Feelings to Act, Feelings Like Motivation Often Fail You In a Long Run

In a world flooded with motivational quotes, Dr Julie Smith suggests we reconsider the hype around motivation. Rather than relying solely on fleeting feelings, she encourages building habits and discipline for sustained, long-term success. She mentioned that "Thoughts are not facts. They are a mix of opinions, judgments, stories, memories, theories, interpretations, and predictions about the future. They are ideas offered up by your brain about ways we could make sense of the world."

We All Have Those Low Days

Contrary to the picture-perfect lives portrayed on social media, Dr Julie Smith acknowledges that everyone experiences low days. This section explores her insights into accepting and navigating through these moments, promoting a healthier approach to the inevitable ups and downs of life. In the first chapter, "Understanding Low Mood," she said she had come to realise over the years of working as a psychologist how much people struggle with low mood and never tell a soul. She added that their friends and family would never know; they mask it, push it away, and focus on meeting expectations.

Being Patient With Yourself Is The Best Form of Self-love

Patience, often neglected in today's fast-paced world, takes center stage in Dr. Julie Smith's teachings. Embracing patience becomes an act of self-love, and this part of the article unravels practical tips for cultivating patience and embracing oneself during challenging times. She mentioned that, "During hard times, when you may be feeling low and believe that you are a failure, your mind will act like a sieve, letting go of all the information that suggests otherwise, and holding on to any indication that you have not lived up to expectations."

Not Everything or Everyone Deserve Your Attention. So, Choose Wisely

The art of selective attention is Dr. Julie Smith's secret to a more fulfilling life. Filtering out unnecessary distractions and focusing on what truly matters leads to a richer existence. In the book she wrote, "Your attention is valuable and helps to create your experience of life. So learning to control where you direct it can have a powerful impact on your life and your mood."

How You Feel Is More Important Than How You Look

In a world that often prioritizes external appearances, Dr. Julie Smith flips the script. She argues that how you feel internally should take precedence over how you look externally. Dive into this section to explore the importance of nurturing mental and emotional health beyond societal expectations. She told us that her physical discomfort, brought about by lack of sleep and dehydration, helped to create low mood. Basically, not all low mood is unidentified dehydration, but when dealing with mood, it is essential to remember that it's not all in your head. It's also in your body state, your relationships, your past and present, your living conditions, and lifestyle.

YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Netflix Are Not The Best Places To Comfort Your Mind

While social media platforms offer connectivity, Dr. Julie Smith questions their effectiveness in comforting our minds.

Sooner Or Later You Are Going To Realise That The Most Valuable Relationship You Will Ever Have Is The One With Yourself

The connection between self-love and patience becomes apparent in this section. Dr. Julie Smith suggests that cultivating self-love enhances one's ability to be patient with oneself and others. She always hears things like, 'I can't just let myself off the hook like that.' 'I lose my drive, become lazy.' 'I would never achieve anything.' That's why most people are shocked and surprised to find out that self-criticism is more likely to lead to an increase in depression, rather than motivation. Self-compassion, on the other hand, treating yourself with kindness, respect, honesty, and encouragement after a failure, is associated with increased motivation and better outcomes.
