9 Signs That You're an INFP, the Most Idealistic Personality Type

Discover if you're an INFP: idealistic, empathetic, and creative, with a love for deep connections and authenticity. Are you one of the dreamers?

9 Signs That You're an INFP, the Most Idealistic Personality Type
9 Signs That You're an INFP, the Most Idealistic Personality Type

INFPs, or Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Perceiving types, are often considered the most idealistic and creative of the Myers-Briggs Personality Types. Making up a small percentage of the population, INFPs are known for their deep sense of empathy, introspective nature, and rich inner world. If you’ve ever wondered whether you belong to this rare group of individuals, here are nine signs that could indicate you’re an INFP, the dreamers and idealists of the world.

1. Deeply Empathetic

INFPs are incredibly empathetic, often feeling the emotions of those around them as if they were their own. This deep sense of empathy stems from their genuine interest in understanding people's experiences and emotions. If you find yourself easily affected by others' feelings and deeply concerned with their wellbeing, you might be an INFP.

2. Passion for Idealism

INFPs are characterised by a strong sense of idealism. They often have a clear vision of a better world and are motivated by values and ethics. If you're always looking for the good in people, dreaming of how things could be improved, and driven by your values, you likely exhibit a key trait of INFPs.

3. Creative and Artistic

With their vivid imagination, INFPs often express themselves through art, music, writing, or other creative outlets. They have a unique ability to see beauty in the mundane and to transform their thoughts and feelings into creative works. If creativity feels like your natural mode of expression, you might be an INFP.

4. Introverted Yet Curious

Despite being introverted, INFPs possess a deep curiosity about the world and the people in it. They are often quiet and reserved, preferring to listen rather than speak. However, their inner world is incredibly rich and complex. If you're someone who enjoys alone time but remains curious and observant about the world, this could be a sign of being an INFP.

5. Seekers of Authenticity

INFPs value authenticity highly and are often on a quest to discover their true selves. They are deeply introspective and spend a lot of time reflecting on their identity, values, and beliefs. If you're constantly seeking to understand yourself better and live authentically, this is a hallmark of the INFP personality.

6. Emotional Depth

INFPs experience emotions deeply and have a wide emotional range. They can experience intense feelings of joy, sadness, and everything in between. This emotional depth allows them to connect with others on a profound level. If you often feel emotions intensely and seek meaningful emotional connections, you’re likely an INFP.

7. Strong Sense of Individuality

INFPs prize their individuality and strive to be true to themselves. They resist conforming to societal expectations if these do not align with their values. This strong sense of individuality means that INFPs often follow their own path. If you value individuality and authenticity over conformity, you may well be an INFP.

8. A Tendency Toward Idealized Relationships

INFPs often idealize their relationships, yearning for connections that go beyond the surface. They seek deep, meaningful relationships and can sometimes set high expectations for these bonds. If you dream of profound connections and often idealize relationships, this could indicate your INFP personality type.

9. Flexible and Open-Minded

Lastly, INFPs are characterised by their flexibility and open-mindedness. They are adaptable, open to new ideas, and often unconventional in their thinking. If you find yourself resistant to rigid structures and open to exploring various perspectives and possibilities, you exhibit a key trait of INFPs.


Embracing the INFP personality type is a journey towards understanding and valuing one's deep capacity for empathy, creativity, and idealism. INFPs play a crucial role in inspiring and bringing about change through their unique perspectives and unwavering authenticity. Recognising and appreciating these traits allows INFPs to navigate life with a profound sense of purpose and connection. If you see yourself in the signs of being an INFP, celebrate your ability to dream big, feel deeply, and envision a world filled with compassion.

Image source: 16 Personalities. Access via (https://www.16personalities.com/)