Things I Learned in "Good Vibes, Good Life" by Vex King

Ever catch yourself lost in the tomorrow-land, forgetting about the magic of today? Well, Vex King has got your back. "Good Vibes, Good Life" is like...

Things I Learned in "Good Vibes, Good Life" by Vex King

Ever catch yourself lost in the tomorrow-land, forgetting about the magic of today? Well, Vex King has got your back. "Good Vibes, Good Life" is like a compass guiding us back to the present, and I'm here to spill the tea on the life lessons packed within its pages.

Time is illusion all we have is now

Vex drops truth bombs, like, "Every second thinking about the next moment robs you of the joy now." Let's chat about how being here, right now, is where the real party's at. No FOMO, just embracing the awesomeness of the present!

Spend sometime everyday without books, phone, earplugs, just yourself alone

Imagine yourself without any distractions—no phone, no books, just you. Vex King nudges us to ditch the distractions and soak in some me-time. It's about rediscovering ourselves in a world that's constantly buzzing. Who knew disconnecting could be so rejuvenating?

The Importance of Relaxation

"Don't underestimate relaxation," says Vex. Can you relate to the daily grind making you a bundle of nerves? Let's unravel the secrets of chilling out, finding peace in the chaos, and letting the good vibes flow.

Focus on efforts and actions, not on words

Words are cool, but actions speak louder, right? Vex King serves a reality check – focus on doing, not just saying. Join me as we explore how putting in the effort can turn dreams into reality.

Ending Toxic Relationships

Cutting ties is tough, especially when it's toxic. Vex King gets it. Let's chat about the struggle, the freedom, and the blooming positivity that follows saying goodbye to what's dragging you down.

Embracing Pain for Healing

Pain's part of the journey, says Vex. It's time to face it, heal from it, and then – the big one – let it go. Join me as we navigate the healing process, embracing the hurts that eventually shape our strength.

Sit alone, you will slowly find all your answers

Ever tried sitting alone with just your thoughts? Vex King swears by it. Let's unravel the mysteries that unfold when we unplug, sit still, and let our inner voice do the talking.

Unplugging to Reset

In a world buzzing with notifications, Vex's advice? Unplug to reset. We'll explore the beauty of taking breaks, hitting pause, and giving ourselves the mental and emotional spa day we all deserve.

Once You Realise The Power Of Your Tongue, You Won't Just Say Anything

"Watch your words," says Vex King. Our chatter matters, and we're diving into the impact of our spoken vibes. Spoiler alert: it's more potent than you think!

Avoiding Negative Conversations

Gossip, complaints – who needs 'em? Vex King advises steering clear. Let's chat about how ditching the negativity train can be a game-changer for our mindset.

Reminder: Don't stir shit, aight?

Impress Yourself, Not Others

Vex King's mic-drop moment: Stop impressing others, start wowing yourself. Join me in the pursuit of becoming the most dazzling version of you. Spoiler: it's gonna be epic!

Personal Experience of the Author

Guess what? Our guide here has been through it. Let's take a moment to soak in the author's personal journey – the highs, lows, and the courageous turn away from negativity.

Author's Advice

Wrapping up with a nugget of wisdom straight from Vex King himself. It's like a parting gift to carry on our journey, sprinkling good vibes wherever we go.

In a world filled with challenges and distractions, the lessons from "Good Vibes, Good Life" offer a roadmap to a more positive and fulfilling existence. Embracing the present, disconnecting to reconnect, and focusing on personal growth are not mere ideals but actionable steps toward a happier life. As we apply these lessons, we find the power to transform our thoughts, actions, and relationships, creating a ripple effect of positivity.