9 Signs That You’re an INTP, The 3rd Rarest Personality Type

Discover the 9 key signs of being an INTP, the third rarest MBTI personality type, from a thirst for knowledge to a love for problem-solving.

9 Signs That You’re an INTP, The 3rd Rarest Personality Type
9 Signs That You’re an INTP, The 3rd Rarest Personality Type

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) has long fascinated individuals seeking to understand more about their personality and how it influences their interactions with the world. Among the 16 personality types defined by the MBTI, the INTP (Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Perceiving) stands out as the third rarest, comprising a small but intriguing portion of the population. Characterised by their love for logic, a relentless pursuit of knowledge, and an innate curiosity, INTPs are often dubbed as the 'Architects' or 'Logicians'. If you're wondering whether you or someone you know might fit this unique profile, here are nine signs to look out for.

1. Unquenchable Thirst for Knowledge

INTPs are driven by an insatiable curiosity. They are constantly seeking to understand how things work, delving deep into subjects that catch their interest. Whether it's the mechanics of a clock or the complexities of quantum physics, an INTP will not rest until their thirst for knowledge is satisfied.

2. Highly Analytical Mind

Possessing a natural ability to analyse and dissect complex problems, INTPs approach challenges with a logical and methodical mindset. They excel in spotting patterns and inconsistencies, making them excellent problem solvers.

3. Independent Thinkers

INTPs value autonomy in thought and action. They are not ones to follow the crowd or accept ideas at face value. Instead, they prefer to come to their own conclusions after a thorough analysis, even if it means standing alone in their beliefs.

4. Innovative Problem Solvers

Thanks to their inventive nature, INTPs are adept at coming up with unique solutions to problems. They are not afraid to tread new paths or think outside the box, often leading to groundbreaking ideas and innovations.

5. Reserved and Introverted

Typically, INTPs are quiet and reserved. They feel most energised by spending time alone or with a small, familiar group of people. Large social gatherings can feel draining for INTPs, who prefer deep, meaningful conversations to small talk.

6. Open-minded

While INTPs are logical and analytical, they also remain open to new ideas and perspectives. They understand that knowledge and understanding are ever-evolving, and they are willing to revise their beliefs in the light of new evidence.

7. Struggle with Expressing Emotions

INTPs often find it challenging to express their feelings. They might feel emotions deeply but prefer to process these internally rather than sharing them openly. This can sometimes make them seem detached or aloof.

8. Desire for Perfection

In their quest for knowledge and solutions, INTPs may fall into the trap of seeking perfection. This can lead to procrastination or a tendency to abandon projects that don't meet their high standards.

9. Adaptable

Despite their preference for routines and predictability, INTPs are highly adaptable. They are quick to adjust their plans in the face of new information or unforeseen circumstances, demonstrating a remarkable ability to think on their feet.


Recognising these traits in yourself or others can be a fascinating journey into understanding the complexities of personality types. If you identify with the signs listed above, you might just be part of the unique group of individuals known as INTPs. Embracing your strengths and working on your challenges can lead to a fulfilling and enriched life, tailor-made to suit your distinctive way of interacting with the world.

Image source: 16 Personalities. Access via (https://www.16personalities.com/)