The Art of Laziness by Library Mindset
Lazy people often get a bad rap, but what if we told you that there's an art to laziness that can lead to a more fulfilling and balanced life? In ...

Lazy people often get a bad rap, but what if we told you that there's an art to laziness that can lead to a more fulfilling and balanced life? In a world that celebrates hustle and perfectionism, embracing the "Library Mindset" might be the key to unlocking a more relaxed and purposeful existence.
Life is Short
In the grand scheme of things, life is remarkably short. The cliché "time flies" holds profound truth. Life is very short. Don't Waste all your life workign and then when you're old wishing you did things differently.
Think about all the things you will regret when you're old. Enjoy you life, you may never get a chance to do the things you can do now. You can't enjoy travel when you're 80.
Comfort Zone is Your Enemy
The comfort zone, though alluring, is where nothing substantial grows. Stepping outside this zone is where personal and professional growth happens. Embrace challenges; they are the stepping stones to a more fulfilling life.
Learn To Say No
The wisdom of saying no cannot be overstated. Saying yes to everything can lead to burnout and diminish your self-worth. Learn to prioritize your well-being and set boundaries by politely declining unnecessary commitments.
Delete Apps
Distractions, like Trojan Horses, sneak into our lives and wreak havoc on our focus. Identify and eliminate digital distractions, particularly those addictive apps that steal precious minutes from your day. Distractions are costly. Even if something distracted you for 2 minutes, 10 minutes are wasted because refocusing takes time. On everyone's phones, a few apps distract them, are addicting, and you constantly waste time on them.
Done is better than perfect
Not everything needs to be perfect. Spending excessive time on minutiae often leads to procrastination and prevents meaningful progress. Remember, done is better than perfect. You can't sit there and spend days on a task that can be done in a few minites. Lazy people always do this when they finally decide to start working on a project, and they start worrying about all the tiny details. They get so overwhelmed by the details that they never even begin doing it.
Decision-Making Philosophy
Applying the philosophy of reversible and irreversible decisions can be transformative. Swiftly make decisions that can be undone, and deliberate carefully on those that are permanent.
Three Productivity Tips
- Avoid task-switching: Work on one task with complete focus and then move to anaother task.
- Remove distractions: Remove all distractions you can from the work you're doing. Be completely focused on the task at hand.
- Manage phone notifications: Turn off non-essential notifications to minimize interruptions.
Types of People
- The first one is the majority of people; they never start. They never do anything. They sit there and be lazy. They never work on their dreams. They never do what they supposed to do. They are just waiting for something good to happen.
- The second type of people are those who start, but as soons as things get hard, they give up, and then they regret why they gave up.
- The thrid type of people are those who work hard, don't give up despite hardships, and keep going. They are the one percent who do become sucessful.
Prioritize Life Over Work
No work is more important than life. You should do what you love but also not run away from the hard part of your work.
Regrets and Unfulfilled Dreams
Imagine choosing a path based on others' opinions, only to regret not following your passion. Don't let that be your story—pursue your dreams, no matter how unconventional they may seem. For example. somebody wants to paint, but he becomes an accountant by listening to some people's opinions. The regret of not following his passion will always stay in his mind.
The art of laziness, as defined by the Library Mindset, encourages a balance between work and life. Avoiding the pitfalls of perfectionism, embracing challenges, and making mindful decisions can lead to a more purposeful and satisfying existence.