Day 13 Make Your Dreams a Reality With "The Magic"

Explore Day 13 of "The Magic", Rhonda Byrne by unleashing the power of gratitude for manifesting dreams, practices that turn gratitude into a transformative force for achieving aspirations.

Day 13 Make Your Dreams a Reality With "The Magic"
Day 13 Make Your Dreams a Reality With "The Magic"

Integrating the transformative principles from "The Magic" by Rhonda Byrne, Day 13 is a pivotal moment in our journey towards manifesting our deepest desires. This addition builds upon the foundation of gratitude we've established, diving deeper into the practice of being thankful for our dreams as if they've already come to fruition. This method, inspired by centuries of traditional practices across various cultures, leverages the law of attraction in a profound way, enabling us to attract what we desire by feeling and expressing gratitude in advance.

The Historical Context of Pre-Emptive Gratitude

Cultures around the world, from the Egyptians celebrating the Nile River flooding to American Indians performing rain dances, have long understood the power of giving thanks for what they desire before receiving it. These ceremonies and prayers across different societies underline the universal nature of pre-emptive gratitude, emphasizing its role in attracting desired outcomes. By incorporating this ancient wisdom, we align ourselves with a time-tested method of manifesting our dreams.

Utilizing Gratitude's Magical Power for Your Dreams

If you've been diligently following the practices of "The Magic," you've laid a robust foundation of gratitude for what you've received and continue to receive. Now, we embark on an exciting journey to harness this gratitude for our dreams and desires. The act of being thankful for our desires before their manifestation is not only a powerful tool but a fundamental shift in how we approach our aspirations. This approach is rooted in the law of attraction, which posits that like attracts like. By cultivating a mental and emotional likeness of our desires, we draw them closer to us.

"Imagination is the true magic carpet" - Norman Vincet Peale (1898 - 1993) American Clergyman and Author

Crafting Your Magic Order with the Universe

As we get clear about our desires, we're encouraged to articulate our top ten dreams. This clarity allows us to focus our energy and gratitude more effectively. Writing down these desires as if we've already received them — "Thank you, thank you, thank you for ..." — not only amplifies our gratitude but also solidifies our belief in their imminent arrival. This practice, akin to placing a magic order with the universe, is a powerful step in bringing our dreams into reality.

Saturating Your Desires with Gratitude

The next step involves immersing each desire in gratitude, further energizing our intentions. By vividly imagining the emotions felt upon receiving our desires, sharing the news with loved ones, and visualizing our first actions, we deepen the manifestation process. This detailed visualization, combined with the power of saying "thank you" three times, invokes the creative force of the universe, tapping into the magic number of creation.

The Creation of a Magic Board

For those looking to add a dynamic and enjoyable element to their practice, creating a Magic Board presents a fantastic opportunity. This visual representation of our desires, adorned with images and the powerful affirmation of "THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU," acts as a daily reminder of our dreams and the gratitude we hold for them. Whether individually or as a family activity, this board becomes a beacon of our intentions, attracting the essence of our desires into our lives.

MAGIC PRACTICE NUMBer 13: Make All Your Wishes Come True

  1. Count Your Blessings: Make a list of ten blessings.
    Write why you're grateful. Reread your list, and at the end of each blessing say thank you, thank you, thank you, and feel as grateful for that blessing as you can
  2. Sit down at a computer or with a pen and journal, and list your top ten desires. Write thank you three times before each one, as though you've already
    received it
    . For example: Thank you, thank you, thank you for your desire
  3. Using your imagination answer the following questions in your mind, as though you've received each of your ten desires:
    • What emotions did you feel when you received your desire?
    • Who was the first person you told when you received your desire, and how did you tell them?
    • What is the first great thing you did when you received your desire? Include as much detail as you can in your mind
  4. Finally, reread the sentence listing your desire, and really emphasize the magic words, thank you, so that You feel them as much as you can.
  5. If you like, create a Magic Board. Cut out pictures and attach them to your Magic Board, and put it in a place you see often. Title the board with THANK
    in big bold letters across the top.
  6. Just before you go to sleep tonight, hold your Magic Rock in one hand, and say the magic words, thank you, for the best thing that happened during the day.


By weaving these principles and practices into the fabric of our daily lives, we not only enrich our journey with "The Magic" but also move closer to realizing our dreams. This blend of ancient wisdom, deliberate gratitude, and actionable steps forms a potent pathway to transformation and fulfillment. Remember, the magic lies not just in the achievement of our desires but in the journey of gratitude we embark upon to reach them.