Day 12 Recognising People Who Shaped You With "The Magic"

Explore the transformative power of gratitude on Day 12 of "The Magic." Discover how recognising and appreciating influential people in our lives can lead to personal growth and deeper connections.

Day 12 Recognising People Who Shaped You With "The Magic"
Day 12 Recognising People Who Shaped You With "The Magic"

In her transformative book, "The Magic," Rhonda Byrne invites us on a 28-day journey, unveiling the profound impact of gratitude on our lives. Among these powerful days, Day 12 stands out as a poignant reminder to recognise and appreciate the people who have shaped us. This practice isn't just about saying "thank you" but about deepening our understanding and appreciation of the influence others have on our personal growth and happiness.

The Concept of Gratitude

At the heart of "The Magic" lies the simple, yet profound, practice of gratitude. Byrne argues that by focusing on gratitude, we shift our energy towards positivity, attracting more of what we are thankful for into our lives. This principle doesn't only apply to material blessings but extends significantly to our relationships. By cherishing the people around us, we not only enrich our connections but also foster an environment where love and appreciation flourish. Explore the dynamics of such relationships in "Day 3 with The Magic: The Magical Relationships".

At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another perosn. Each one of us has cause to think with help gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us" - Albert Schweitzer (1875 - 1965) Alsatian-German theologian

The Profound Impact of Others

Every one of us has been shaped by the help, support, or guidance from others at critical junctures in our life. Often, a person's encouragement, guidance, or mere presence at the right time can pivot the direction of our lives towards a brighter path. However, as life progresses, we may forget these pivotal moments or the individuals who marked our journeys. It's only upon reflection we realise the profound impact someone had, possibly altering the trajectory of our life for the better.

Whether it be a family member, a teacher, a healthcare professional, or even a stranger's act of kindness, the influence of these magical people is immeasurable. They might have introduced you to a lifelong passion, offered support during trying times, or inspired a career path that you passionately follow.

For instance, my personal journey was profoundly shaped by my virtual shifu (师父), who instilled in me a love for books, an understanding of the world's realities, and knowledge about health. Her influence not only carved out my passions but also taught me the invaluable lesson of gratitude. Though we have never met each other, her legacy profoundly impacts my life. "Thank you, virtual shifu," embodies the deep gratitude I hold for her shaping influence on my life's path.

The term shifu (师父) in Chinese culture refers to a master or mentor who imparts not only skills but also life philosophies to their disciples. It denotes respect and reverence for someone who has played a significant role in one's personal or professional development.

Recognizing People Who Shaped You

Day 12 encourages us to meticulously reflect on and list the individuals who have made a positive impact on our lives. This could be a parent, a teacher, a friend, or even a stranger whose kindness left an indelible mark. Byrne emphasises that this act of recognition serves as a powerful tool for cultivating a grateful heart. As we acknowledge these individuals, we not only celebrate their contribution but also reinforce our own capacity for gratitude, enhancing our overall well-being and sense of connectedness. For guidance on reflecting upon and appreciating life’s blessings, see "Day 1 with The Magic: Counting Your Magical Blessings".

Personal Stories of Transformation

Imagine a person who, upon reflecting on their influencers, realises the immense role a former teacher played in their passion for art. Reconnecting with this teacher to express gratitude rekindles a sense of purpose and inspires a renewed dedication to their craft. Another individual might recognise a friend's unwavering support during difficult times, deepening their friendship and mutual respect through the expression of gratitude. These hypothetical scenarios highlight the transformative power of recognising and appreciating the people who shape our journeys.

Practical Tips to Cultivate Gratitude

IIncorporating Day 12's exercise into daily life is straightforward yet impactful. Maintaining a gratitude journal and directly expressing appreciation to influential figures can strengthen bonds and amplify gratitude's magic in our lives. For more on cultivating gratitude, visit "The Practice of Gratitude in Ikigai: A Path to Everyday Joy".

A Day of Magical Recognition

Today is for honouring those who've profoundly influenced our lives. Identify three such individuals, and in a quiet moment, express your gratitude to each as if they were present. This focused exercise amplifies gratitude and its transformative effects. For extending gratitude to everyday heroes, refer to "Day 10 with The Magic: Magic Dust Everyone".

For example, you might say: "Sarah, I want to thank you for the time that you encouraged me to follow my heart. I was lost and confused that day, and your words touched me, and lifted me out of despair. Because of what you said, I found the courage to follow my dream, and I moved to France to work as an apprentice chef. I am living my dream, and I couldn't be happier. All because of what you said to me that day. Thank you, Sarah!"

This practice of gratitude, whether spoken or written, boosts appreciation and positivity. The joy it brings is a testament to gratitude's power, attracting further positive experiences.

Magic Practice Number 12: Magical People Who Made a Difference

  1. Count Your Blessings: Make a list of ten blessings.
    Write why you're grateful. Reread your list, and at the end of each blessing say thank you, thank you, thank you, and feel as grateful for that blessing as you can.
  2. Find a quiet place alone sometime during today, and make a list of three people who made a difference in your life.
  3. Work through the list one person at a time, and while talking out loud tell each person the reason why you're grateful for them, and exactly how they affected the course of your life.
  4. Just before you go to sleep tonight, hold your Magic Rock in one hand, and say the magic words, thank you, for the best thing that happened during the day.


Day 12 of "The Magic" illuminates the transformative power of gratitude, encouraging us to acknowledge those who've significantly influenced our lives. This act of recognition extends beyond mere appreciation, fostering deeper connections and personal growth. By expressing our gratitude, we not only honour these individuals but also enhance our own sense of joy and positivity, demonstrating gratitude's endless cycle of benefits.