7 Days of Magic: Your Journey to a Negativity-Free Life

Discover how gratitude, as detailed in Rhonda Byrne's "The Magic," particularly in Day 7, can combat negativity and foster positive change in relationships and daily life.

7 Days of Magic: Your Journey to  a Negativity-Free Life
7 days of Magic: Your Journey to a Negrativity-Free Life

In Rhonda Byrne's "The Magic," readers are guided through a journey of transformation, with each chapter offering insights and exercises to cultivate gratitude in daily life. Among these chapters, Day 7 stands out as a beacon of hope, providing a magical solution to combat negativity.

Understanding Negativity

Negative situations often arise due to a prolonged lack of gratitude. When we fail to appreciate the blessings in our lives, we inadvertently take them for granted, paving the way for negativity to seep in. This lack of gratitude breeds complaints, negative thoughts, and words, further perpetuating the cycle of negativity.

The Power of Gratitude

Gratitude is the antidote to negativity, serving as a catalyst for positive change and transformation. By cultivating an attitude of appreciation for every aspect of our lives, we can break free from the grip of pessimism and open ourselves up to a world of abundance and possibility.

"A thankful person is thankful under al circumstances." - Bahá'u'lláh / Persian Founder of The Baháʼí Faith

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Are you grateful for your health when it's good? Or do you only notice your health when your body gets sick or hurts?
  • Are you grateful for your job every day, or do you only value your job when you hear there will be cutbacks?
  • Are you grateful for your pay or salary every single time you receive it, Or do you take your pay and salary for granted?
  • Are you grateful for your loved ones when everything is running smoothly, Or do you talk to others about your loved ones when there are problems?
  • Are you grateful when your car is working well? Or do you only think of your car when it breaks down?
  • Are you grateful to be alive each day? Or do you take your life for granted?

The Consequences of Taking Things for Granted

When we fail to appreciate the various aspects of our lives, whether it's relationships, finances, health, or work-related challenges, negative situations often emerge. Taking things for granted over an extended period inadvertently leads to us undervaluing what we have. Consequently, this ingratitude becomes a significant driver of negativity. By not expressing thanks for the blessings we receive, we disrupt the natural flow of positivity and abundance in our lives. Just as showing gratitude to others brings about positive changes, neglecting to acknowledge our blessings invariably leads to a decline in our overall well-being. For example, you're complaining about the weather, the traffic, your boss, your spouse, your family, a friend, a stranger, waiting in lines, bills, the economy, the cost of something, or the service of a company, you are not being grateful, and you're pushing your dream life further away with every complaint.

The Glad Game: Finding Joy in Every Situation

Inspired by Disney's 1960 movie "Pollyanna," the Glad Game teaches us to seek out reasons to be grateful, even in the midst of adversity. By focusing on the positive aspects of a negative situation, we can shift our perspective and uncover solutions that were previously hidden from view.

Buddha's Wisdom on Gratitude

Walt Disney illustrated the incredible impact of gratitude in "Pollyanna," and long before that, Buddha exemplified the effective use of this same powerful force with his words:

"Let us rise up and be thankful, for it we didn't learn a lot toay, at least we learned a little, and if we didn't learn a little, at least we didn't get sick, and we got sick, at least we didn't die; so, let us all be thankful" - GAUTAMA BUDDHA / Fonder Of Buddhism

Transforming Relationships through Gratitude

Gratitude has the power to heal and strengthen relationships, even in the face of conflict and adversity. By expressing heartfelt appreciation for the people in our lives, we can cultivate deeper connections and foster a sense of harmony and understanding.

An Example from Day 7: A Son Whose Relationship with his Father Is Troubled

In this narrative, we encounter a son grappling with a strained relationship with his father. Despite his earnest efforts, the son constantly feels inadequate in his father's eyes, leading to a pervasive sense of dissatisfaction and frustration.

  1. I am grateful that most of the relationships in my life are really good.
  2. I'm grateful to my father for working hand so that I could have the education that he didn't get to have.
  3. I'm grateful to my father for supporting our family through my childhood, because I didn't have a clue then how much hard work and money it took to keep our family going.
  4. I'm grateful to my father for taking me to basketball every Saturday when I was a child.
  5. I'm grateful that my father is not as tough on me these days as he usued to be in the past.
  6. I'm grateful that my father cares so much about me because he wouldn't be tough if he didn't care so much.
  7. I'm grateful that through my relationship with my father I have learned to have compassion and a greater understanding with my children.
  8. I'm grateful to my father for showing me how important encouragement is in raising happy, confident children.
  9. I'm really grateful when I get to laugh with my father. Some people never got to do that because they didn't have a father. And for others, who have lost their father, they will never have the chance to laugh with their father again.
  10. I am so truly grateful that I have my father, because amid the tough times, there have been good times, and there will be moroe good times ahead with my father.

The son's genuine gratitude towards his father brings about a positive transformation in their relationship. By altering his perceptions and emotions towards his father, the son initiates a shift in the dynamics between them, resulting in a more harmonious connection. Although the son's gratitude is primarily internal, its profound impact extends to an energetic and quantum level, imbuing their relationship with a sense of magic and renewal.

Practicing Gratitude in Action

To experience the transformative power of gratitude, we must actively seek out reasons to be thankful, especially in challenging times. As an exercise, take one problem or negative situation in your life and identify ten things to be grateful for about it.

Make a list and write ten things you're grateful for in the following way:

  • I am so grateful for __________.
  • Or I am truely grateful for __________.

And finish the sentence with what you're grateful for. You can also use Walt Disney's way of using gratitude's magical power if you find it easier:

  • I am so glad that __________.

And finish the sentence with what you're glad about.

Once you've listed ten things you're grateful for, finish the Magical Way Out of Negativity practice by writing:

  • Thank you, thank you, thank you, for the perfect resolution.

Afterwards, try to go a day without negativity. It might be tough, but it's eye-opening. Negative words attract more negativity, so watch what you say. Here is a magic lifetime you can use when negativity arises, Stop immediately and say:

  • But I have to say that I am really grateful for __________.

And finish the rest of the sentence with something - anything - that you're grateful for.

Magic Practice Number 7: The Magical Way Out of Negativeity

To harness the magic of gratitude, follow these steps:

  1. Count Your Blessings: Make a list of ten blessings.
    Write why you're grateful. Reread your list, and at the end of each blessing say thank you, thank you,thank you, and feel as grateful for that blessing as
    you can.
  2. Choose one problem or negative situation in your life that you most want to resolve.
  3. List ten things that you are grateful for about the negative situation
  4. At the end of your list, write: Thank you, thank you, thank you, for the perfect resolution.
  5. Just for today, see if you can get through one day without saying anything negative. If you notice yourself thinking or saying something negative, use the magic lifeline. Stop immediately and say: But I have to say that I am really grateful for ______________.
  6. Just before you go to sleep tonight, hold your Magic Rock in one hand, and say the magic words, thank you, for the best thing that happened during the day.


Day 7 with "The Magic" offers a transformative journey towards a life filled with gratitude, positivity, and abundance. By embracing the practice of gratitude, we can break free from the chains of negativity and unlock the miraculous potential within us.